Sustainability by Oliver

Upscale Sustainability


At Oliver, we are not only dedicated to creating memorable guest experiences but also preserving the planet for future generations. We take pride in our efforts to reduce our environmental footprint while providing exceptional hospitality.


Water conservation

We believe that every drop counts. Water is a precious resource, and we ensure it is responsibly used at our hotels. We have implemented a sustainable water program that aims to tackle plastic bottle waste while enhancing the taste and quality of water. By utilizing filtered still water, our program eliminates the need for single-use plastic bottles, promotes eco-friendly practices and ensures hotel guests enjoy great-tasting water.

As part of this program, linens are designed for extended use, offering a fresh and comfortable experience without the unnecessary waste associated with frequent replacements. By using linens for longer periods, we're collectively contributing to not only conserving resources but also reducing the energy and water required for washing and laundering. Every reused towel and linen means fewer items going into the laundry and ultimately, the landfill. It’s a small change that makes a big impact on reducing waste and our carbon footprint.


Growing Together, Supporting Communities

Nurturing Local Businesses

We understand the significance of being an integral part of our local communities. Our commitment to sustainability extends to supporting the very communities that sustain us. We actively source products and services from local businesses and artisans. By doing so, we support the growth of our community’s economy. 

Growing our Table

We partner with local farmers and growers to bring the freshest organic, seasonal ingredients to all of our menus. This results in delicious dishes that celebrate the flavors of our regions while reducing the environmental impact associated with long-distance food transportation. 

Community Partnerships

Beyond economic support, we actively engage with community organizations and initiatives. Oliver Hospitality Management believes in giving back to the communities that have supported us for so long. Whether it’s sponsoring local events, participating in charity drives, or hosting community gatherings, we are dedicated to making a positive difference right where we live and work.

Paper Reduction

With electronic registration, guests are directly contributing to conserving our precious forests, reducing energy consumption, and minimizing waste. Technology is a powerful tool and we are embracing digital innovation across our organization. Traditional paper registration cards can require a substantial amount of paper for each check-in, while our digital approach not only redefines how we work but works to make a positive impact on the environment.


Reducing Plastic Waste

By using large bottle bath amenities, we’re contributing to less plastic waste in our landfills and oceans. Our large bottle bath amenities replace individual single-use plastic bottles, significantly reducing plastic waste and minimizing our environmental footprint.

Join Us in Our Commitment

Sustainability is not a destination but a journey. Oliver Hospitality Management is committed to continuous improvement. Our sustainability program isn’t just a program - it’s a way of life. We are dedicated to creating an environment where responsible practices are seamlessly integrated into the guest experience. We regularly assess our sustainability practices, set new goals, and explore innovative ways to further reduce our environmental impact.


We invite you to be a part of our journey towards a greener, more harmonious future. When you choose to stay at a By Oliver Hotel, you’re not just experiencing luxury and comfort; you’re also supporting a company that is dedicated to preserving our planet.  Together we can make a difference.

Partnering for the Planet